Sunday, May 1, 2011


So before I consume my next portion of porridge (but I didn't sweat much while having it yesterday, damnit. That's the whole point of eating porridge when you're sick isn't it) and spend the night with the Marketing book, I have to quickly post these photos because they turned out quite gorgeous. Tamara-Lee is my really good friend from work and we were supposed to have a good night out in Manly last night; my stupid cold wasn't an obstacle for her to still come to my place and have a quiet night in with me (big hugs and thanks for the super yum chocolate too <3). We had chats all night, and ended up walking down to Wharf Bar for her to have a drink because it got dark so early and we ran out of things to do at home. I know, that excuse isn't good enough.

Gotta love her red lips. 

*Post title: RALEE was the name of TL's graduation fashion line - yepp, that girl studied fashion. Can't wait to wear her clothes.

Just before I was about to publish the post I looked out the window and I saw this. How lucky is this dude, probably enjoying his Sunday sundown drink up there.

 That came with my porridge.

What a themed dinner table!

Ok Marketing I'm all yours tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures!
